Resident Aalim Office Hours
Monday – Friday 11:30 am – 01:30 pm
Special Programs
Al-Hadi New Building Updates
- Annoucements
Resident Aalim Office Hours
Monday – Friday 11:30 am – 01:30 pm
Special Programs
Al-Hadi New Building Updates
- Tab 2
Resident Aalim Office Hours
Monday - Friday 11:30 am - 03:30 pm
Special Programs
Education Services
Youth Activities
Social Services
New Al-Hadi School Campus
With the help of Allah Almighty we have obtained the permit from the city and have begun the school grounds for the sports and basketball facilities. We have moved on to phase 1- construction of school building.
You can help with your financial contribution.
Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Al-Hadi school. Go Lions!